#LD5D Week One so far – How’s it going?

Just a quick update to see how you are all getting on! I hope you’re finding the process of setting up an account and blog on WordPress pretty straightforward, and that it’s helping you think through some of the issues around creating a professional online identity which we raised in Week One’s post.  Let us know in a comment here or by email if you have any questions! We have the first participant blogs registered already and linked to in the Blogroll which you can see now in the right hand column. Why not go and see how others have got on, compare their experiences with yours, and perhaps leave them a comment with some encouragement?

Once you’ve set up your account and blog, remember that the next steps are:

  1. Register your blog with us so that we can add it to the blogroll, and therefore other participants can find it
  2. Write your first LD5D blog post – use the prompts in our last post to reflect on the issues around creating an online professional identity
  3. Go and have a look at some of the other participants’ blogs to see what they thought – do they have any tips or advice, do you share their experiences on creating an online professional identity?


Here’s a brief reminder of the reflective framework which you can use for ideas to write your first blog post:

Key skills: How easy did you find setting up an account? Did you have any difficulties, or discover any tips or tricks?
Profession-specific: Did you have any concerns or reservations about creating an online identity for your professional persona? How did you decide on a username, blog title and avatar that felt appropriate?
Evaluation: Did you feel able to present yourself in the way you wished? How comfortable are you being visible online in this way? Do you think a bit of a personal touch invites interaction and engagement, or do you feel it is inappropriate?
Integration: How does the profile you set up here fit in with other ones you’ve used in the past, and how much of it will you carry forward in setting up future accounts, so that your overall digital profile is consistent? Given that many of us work with students, how separate do you think your professional and personal online identities should be?
The posts here at LD5D offer a prompt for you to reflect on your own blog on the activities we’re doing – the real learning in LD5D is created by you, the participants, and the community of LD5D bloggers exchanging their experiences! So once you’ve written up your own post, do go and have a look at what others have written, and leave a comment on their blogs to let them know what you’ve learned from them! We’re looking forward to reading your posts!

Author: RattusScholasticus

Learning Developer. Educational Development Consultant (Academic Skills), University of Oxford. NTF, SFHEA, CeLP

One thought on “#LD5D Week One so far – How’s it going?”

  1. Quite a few blogs up now! We’re enjoying reading them. We’ve left a few comments too – you may need to approve or moderate them before they appear (if you want them to appear, that is!) Let us know if you have any questions about this!

    and if you’re on Twitter, having taken part in LD10DoT, tweet to let us know how it’s going!


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